Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sports Video - Appling for a Scholarship

One of the other types of video work I do is make Sports Videos. These are a video of the highlights of an athlete looking for Scholarships to play sports at a university. This week, I have been preparing DVD's for 3 families to review. I transfer the video they have filmed of their son or daughter playing their sport to a DVD with time code superimposed on the video. This allows them to pick the segments of the video they wish to have included on their childs sport video. I suggest they also record an interduction by the athlete. This is an oportunity for the player to speak to the potintial coach about their passion for the position they play. I get alot of staisaction knowing that I am helping families reduce or elimiate the high cost of their son or daughter going to college.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting things organized

Well, I have a couple of "guinea pigs" who have volunteered to allow me to interview them. I am working out the details and hope to start the interviews soon. These are wonderful NC wedding vendors who have a lot to offer a bride who is planning her North Carolina wedding. I look forward to hearing what words of wisdom they will have to pass on to us. Check back as I work out the details and get this new venture off the ground. It should be fun!
RC Patton -

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wedding show update

I just got word from Jennifer at Pine Lake Pavilion that the last wedding show for this year will be on Sunday October 18 from 1 to 4 pm. If you are planning a wedding, this is a great place to meet vendors that can help you. It doesn't cost anything but your time, and who knows, you may win something. Reflective Video Productions will be there. I look forward to seeing you then.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Great Wedding Show

What a great little wedding show! The Pine Lave Pavilion had their wedding show on Sunday and we had a very good turn out. One bride won a compete wedding photography package from one of the 6 photographers at the show. Lots of other vendors were there and lots of prizes were given out, including the "Love Story Video" that Reflective Video Productions offered. The couple that won the video had not set their date yet. So I guess I will be doing their video some time in the future. I will be sure to post it once we get it finished. The Pavilion is planning another show in October. I will post more details when I get it. These shows are a wonderful opportunity to see this beautiful setting by the lake. It makes a wonderful place for holding your wedding. And since the admission if free and they give out prizes, how can you go wrong! Be sure to attend the one in October if you are planning a wedding.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Got to start somewhere!

Well here goes. Hi, I am RC Patton of Reflective Video Productions. I do wedding Videos in North Carolina. From the mountains to the beach, I love to video all the fun and excitement of a couple getting married. It is my intention to post not only some video clips of the weddings I do but also interview the wedding vendors that help make a bride's day the best it can be. I plan to pass along tips from these professionals, to help a bride plan wisely and well. I hope that those who find my blog will take the time to pass along their own tips on what has and has not worked for them. If you have someone you think would be fun and/or interesting to interview, please let me know.

On Sunday September 26, 2009, I will be exhibiting at the Pine Lake Pavilion wedding show from 2pm until 5pm. Any bride planning a wedding please take the time to drop by. It is FREE to anyone who wants to attend. There will be prizes to be won, so I hope to see you there.